Conquest of Elysium II
Version History
Conquest of Elysium is a fantasy game where you and your friends take
control of a powerful warlord or wizard and struggle for total control
of the continent. Up to eight players may participate and the computer
can control any free players. The game is turn based so you only need
one computer to play the game with up to seven friends.
Random Worlds
In your way to total control you need to conquer a lot of locations
that will bring you income and other resources that you might
need. These locations are owned by independent monsters or armies at
the beginning of the game. The strength of the monsters varies heavily
with what they guard. A small farm can be guarded by a few levies or
it may be totally unguarded and an ancient castle can be guarded by a
powerful vampire and his undead servants.
The world is randomly generated each time a new game is created so the
map, its inhabitants and their magic items are differnent each time
you play.

The main screen where you move your commanders and explore the world.
The Characters and the Monsters
There are seventeen different character classes to choose from,
everyone has different strengths and weaknesses. E.g. the barbarian
has lots of powerful men but they do not have the technology to build
war engines and are very vulnerable to magic.
The demonologist collects human sacrifices and uses them to bind the
demons he can summon. If he uses too few sacrifices the demons may get
out of control and attack their summoner (and demons are very powerful
The Enchanter has the ability to animate non living things, the
resources needed for this varies from a silver sword for the creation
of a living sword to a complete mine for the creation of a powerful
iron golem.
The Necromancer can raise the dead to join his army of undeads, but he
always risks loosing his sanity by raising too many people.
The shaman uses herbs to scry upon his enemies far away. When he finds
them, he can send spirits to attack them or try to possess them and
make them do his bidding.
There are well over three hundred different kind of monsters in the
game, so it will probably take a year or three before you have seen
them all! And many of these monsters have special abilities that gives
them a unique feeling (there are over 100 special abilites). For
instance the doppelganger looks like an ordinary spearman until he
enters melee combat, at which point he flings out his tentacles and
turn his enemies into slimy creatures which will help him to win
coming battles. The vampire can summon wolves and drain energy from
his enemies. If the vampire gets slain anyway, then he will rise in
his home ready to fight new battles. And much much more...
The development of this game started many many years ago and the game
has been improved continually in order to get all the features that
are now available (the graphics has stayed the same though, but it is
the number of features that counts)!
The game has now been superceded by Conquest of Elysium 3 that has
better graphics, is much more user friendly and has many new features
as well.
This game has been out of circulation for a few years, but it can now be downloaded for free.
It can be played on Windows, Linux and Mac OS X. You can download the complete game here:
Conquest of Elysium II for Linux
Conquest of Elysium II for Windows and Linux
Conquest of Elysium II for Mac OSX